Tuesday, June 30, 2009
8 Week Photos

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Progress Comes in Unexpected Ways
I woke up after about 7.5 hours of opiate free sleep, feeling pretty much like every other day - tired. Since I signed up to do a 100 mile Livestrong bike ride in two weeks, and my longest ride since having the MMA is 30 miles, I planned a 60 mile bike ride today. Not knowing what to expect or how far I would be able to ride without "bonking," I met one of my riding buddies and we set out on our adventure. I rode 62.5 miles and climbed about 3700 feet of elevation.
While the ride wasn't easy, it wasn't as tough as I expected. The three reasons I came up with to explain today's positive experience were:
- Sleep is better than I realize - perhaps a sign that the MMA worked
- My weight dropped almost 10%, significantly improving my ability to ride at the same level as before, but not requiring as much power output
- I spent most of the ride drafting behind my friend so he worked harder than me
As far as the update on the MMA recovery, there have been several positive improvements. The chin pain is not gone, but no longer as strong. My chin "tingles" most of the time, so the nerves should be firing. However, one of my molars has become very sensitive when I bite. The surgeon says give it a few weeks for my bite to adjust. Worst case, my dentist will need to grind down the surface of tooth. (It's a crown). The gums are getting more feeling, but the teeth still have no sensation other than pressure.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
On The Road
Eating continues to exhaust me. Taking small "bites" seems to take forever...
The recovery continues to progress. After seeing the surgeon this week, I won't need to return for another 3 weeks since the chin pain seems more manageable. The chin pain is not gone, but I'm much more comfortable. Jaw mobility is also improving as well. I can open my mouth much more than before. The numbness improvement is harder to measure. It feels like the roof of my mouth is improving, but there has been no change in the numbness on the gums or chin.
I took this picture at the airport. It's food I won't be eating for a long, long time...

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Peanuts & Cracker Jacks - NOT
The home team won in eleven innings with an unusual finish when the catcher let a wild pitch pass on the third strike and the third base runner scored.
The recovery improves, in particular the chin. The pain is now shifting to a very strong tingle pain. In addition my gum sensitivity improves as well.
I tried to use a "flosser" to floss, but the teeth felt too tight, and I didn't want to floss aggressively -it 's back to the water pick.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
6 Weeks
The chin pain has improved again. It's not bad in the morning and sometimes goes away. By the end of the day, it's worked its way up to being quite uncomfortable.
Other recovery stuff of note:
- More feeling in a few back teeth
- More feeling on the upper inside gums. The outer gums are still numb on the top
- More feeling on the outer lower gums
- Speaking is still a challenge. It's hard to enunciate words, and it sounds to me like I slur most of my speech. In addition, like many others, I've developed a slight drooling problem when speaking. As my jaw mobility improves, all these should clear up
I'm getting about 8.5 hours a night. Although I still wake up tired and usually without a headache, I think that I'm better off than before the surgery. Until the pain is gone and my sleep patterns are reestablished, I'm making no judgements on whether or not the surgery "worked." The way I look at it, it's worked either way.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday was a good day. I made it back on the bike - twice. The first ride was a regular route with a long sustained climb of 3.3 miles and 1300 feet of elevation gain. Riding about as hard as I could, I was about 10% slower than riding at a comfortable pace prior to the MMA. It's amazing how quickly my power and aerobic capacity dropped in only 6 weeks. My heart averaged 171 beats per minute for 33 minutes. At the top of the hill, with about a five minute rest, I felt like I recovered quickly, and was able to ride home at a good clip.
Later in the day, my wife and I enjoyed a date ride. The company was much better for the second ride!!!
I returned to the surgeon this morning - he's closely monitoring my chin pain and has me returning for weekly follow-up. We've increased the Neurontin dosage, and either time or the medication has improved the pain. It's still strong, but seems to "go away" more often during the day.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Better Than Yesterday
The chin pain continues to be strong, but slightly improved from yesterday as well.
We had a very busy day yesterday, and doing normal things and being so busy felt good. We attended a Bat Mitzvah (she was GREAT!), luncheon, and dinner party. Even with a nap between the luncheon and dinner, I was completely worn out by the end of the evening.
With a so much of the activity centered around food, I found that eating was actually harder than talking. Although I had very soft food (mashed potatoes, egg salad, tuna salad, babbaganoush , and humus), after about 10 minutes of eating, my jaw was exhausted and it was very hard to open it enough to eat. As time goes on, the jaw will get stronger and eating will get better.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Slow Changes
By the end of the work day, I'm pretty cooked and the chin pain is worse. Contrast that to the mornings, I'm not as tired and the chin tends not to bother me as much.
The biggest improvement I've noticed over the past few days is that my upper teeth don't have the "braces tightened" feeling. Occasionally, a few of the teeth feel like they are being squeezed.
On to the important update - the bike. I was able to sneak in one quick ride this week. If all goes well, I'll get back on the bike both Saturday and Sunday. I'm convinced that cycling will speed the recovery.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Almost 5 Weeks
Just a quick update on the recovery:
- Numbness receding on the roof of my mouth
- Sensation returning to a few of the lower back teeth
- Chin pain about the same
- Major tingles on lower lip and chin - a sign of nerve regeneration
- Sleep (the magic question): no major changes although I woke up today without a headache for the first time since the surgery
- Speech feels impaired as jaw mobility is limited
- Mush diet easiest to manage
- Back to work full time
Monday, June 8, 2009
Medium Soup
Saw the surgeon today as well. He said that the jaw alignment is exactly what it should be and all other signs of recovery are progressing as expected. We're going to increase the Neurontin dose to help with the chin pain. From last week to this week, the chin pain has improved, but it's still there.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
"Don't You Have A Better 'Before' Picture?"

Before - After

The chin pain is about the same as yesterday, and I'm optimistic it will continue to improve.
Perhaps not medically proven, I'm convinced that my metabolism has dropped from being so idle for the past month. To pick up my metabolism, I'm trying to eat more and exercise.
I went for my second bike ride today and it felt good. My aerobic fitness has dropped significantly (my heart rate hit 178 on the hardest part of the ride) and my power seems reduced. The best way to increase metabolism, recover aerobic condition and increase power is to spend more time on the bike. I used to ride at 5:15 a.m. because I was awake. I plan to hold off on the morning rides until my sleeping patterns get established.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Back In The Saddle
...with my trusty steed.
Went for my first bike ride today. We rode 14.5 miles at a very comfortable pace. It was GREAT to get back on the bike.
The chin pain is a bit better today. In the morning it was quite mild, as the afternoon goes on, it's increasing a bit, but still better than yesterday.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Beaver Cleaver
Many years ago, we named our best chopper Beaver Cleaver. A funny story about the Beaver - the Beaver used to live in the bottom drawer of the kitchen cabinets. Shortly after our son was born, we had a party. One our our friends suggested we consider baby proofing our kitchen when his two year old pulled the knife out of the bottom drawer.
A good knife makes the post arch bar diet possible. I'm cleared to eat only soft foods. With a good knife, you can make mush out of just about anything.
Today I ate in a restaurant for the first time. There were ten of us celebrating my niece's high school graduation. I ordered salmon, potatoes (self mashed), and mushroom risotto. When the meal was served, I mashed, chopped, and mushed the food all together to make it nice and soft. It took tremendous concentration. When I finally looked up, I realized that everyone else had finished their meal, and while I had thought that I did a pretty good job finishing my portion, my son pointed out that at most, I consumed just a little bit of the meal and seemed to spend most of the time "playing and mashing" my food together. Based on the amount of food I brought home in the doggie bag, the boy was right.
As far as the recovery goes, the chin pain continues, and has improved slightly . The surgeon called me to check on the chin and said any improvement, even if only slightly is a positive step. I return to see the surgeon on Monday.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Without The Hardware
Here's what its' like being arch bar free for 10 hours:
- Green light to get back on the bike. OLH Sunday morning (who's in?)
- Lips rest comfortably against my gums
- Lips don't feel like they are sticking out
- Teeth more comfortable without wire anchors holding the arch bars
- Teeth still have no sensation (like wooden teeth)
- Gums still numb
- Lower lip and chin still numb
- Hard to speak due to jaw's limited range of motion
- Upper teeth and gums feel like they are in a different spot - which they are
- Still have chin pain in same isolated spot. We're hoping it goes away without the arch bars
The big question is has my sleep improved. It's returned to where it was pre-MMA. I'm no more tired or rested than before. I'm being cautious not to make any judgements based on a single day, but rather wait several months and see how I feel. Without the arch bars and their definite discomfort only good things will continue.
Need I Say More?
Actually, I can't say much at all since my lips and cheeks are numb from the Novocaine used to remove the arch bars. It was a 5 minute office procedure. No big deal. The surgeon cut the wire around the tooth and then removed the wire. I'm told that other surgeons perform the procedure under general anesthesia - seems a bit excessive, in my humble opinion.
And dinner from the slow cooker is looking good!!! It's got just 8 hours left to slow cook.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
My boy was at it again - this time he made chocolate chip cookies.
For some of us - me included, chocolate chip cookies taste better raw. There was absolutely no way I would even attempt to eat chocolate chip cookie dough. But, the nice thing about baking is that it's a step by step process, and the chocolate chips are the last ingredient to add. Let's just say that I found a new way to meet my daily calorie intake that's more tasty than just about anything I've had in the past 28 days. And, I didn't need to put it in the Magic Bullet with chicken broth.
Tomorrow is a big day - the arch bars come off. I expect only good things to continue from now on.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Nasty Box
This is the first time in longer than I can remember where the alarm clock has actually woken me up. My previous pattern was I would set the alarm clock, and wake-up 1-2 minutes before it actually turned itself on. My internal body clock had always known what time it was, regardless of time zone and the alarm was just a back-up.
I managed about 9 hours of sleep last night (5 straight, then woke up a few more random times, taking Ibuprofen and Tylenol at 4:00 a.m.) and (complaint warning:) woke exhausted with a headache . Only sleeping 4 hours the previous night as well as the chin pain may have contributed to not feeling rested today. However, the chin pain seems continues to improve, even if just a little.
Monday, June 1, 2009
First Day Back
I also had a scheduled visit to the surgeon today. Here's the medical update:
- Arch bars come out Thursday (66 hours to go) - need I say more
- The Neurontin seems to reduce the sharpness of the chin pain
- All the stitches in my mouth are GONE. Since I never saw them, you have to wonder where they all went