My son has become quite a good chef - he's 15. When he expresses interest in cooking and baking, we always encourage him. Last night, he decided to make cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
The rolls just came out of the oven, and the smell is overpowering. Remember the last time you walked past the Cinnabon store and just had to have one? Our kitchen smells GREAT!
Oddly enough, those yummy sweet rolls don't appeal to me. One of the strange things is that I have not had an appetite or interest in most foods. While I'm eating quite a bit, my weight continues to drop. I'm down to 158 pounds (total lost: 14).
Here's a typical day in my food intake:
- Breakfast: 1 or 2 Carnation instant breakfasts with whole milk or glass of soy milk with protein powder
- Morning Snack: 8 Oz yogurt mixed with berries and fruit juice (sometimes with protein powder added)
- Lunch: Meat based soup, thinned with broth (about 20 Ounces)
- Afternoon Snack: Yogurt Smoothie, same as morning
- Dinner: Vegetable soup AND meat based soup (24-30 ounces total)
- Plenty of water and other fluids during the day
The pain in my chin has improved only slightly. I'm continuing with the pain meds, but I can't say that I'm thrilled about staying on them. The challenge is that I'm more motivated without the pain meds, but more comfortable with them.
Can you send me the receipe? Cinnamon rolls are my favorite. I will be having MMA surgery in Jan 2010 at Stanford.