Friday, May 22, 2009


Since the pain in my chin has not improved in the past 5 days, I've switched my primary pain medicine to Percocet.

I really hate the idea of taking stronger, more addictive drugs. However, being in pain makes it harder to get rest, and if I'm not getting rest, I'm not healing.

The Silent Treatment

Since my chin is still hurts quite a bit, I've been told not to speak at all. In all honesty, I had thought that I was doing a pretty good job of keeping quiet. Apparently not. We're now back to the white board and pads of paper. Skype chatting has also been a great tool. I've had a number of phone and video calls. The person on the other end has spoken, and I've been able to respond using the text field. Prettty neat technology...

Since it's a long weekend and the kids will be home, our house will be anything but quiet.