Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mug Shots...

I had hoped to start this blog with a baby picture. But, being the youngest of four, there just aren't any. Maybe some day I'll get over it...

The first two pictures were taken about a year before the MMA as part of getting fitted for a MAD (mandibular advancement device). I'm 5'9" and weigh 165. For the week prior to the surgery, I ate and ate and ate, bringing my weight up to 172. After a week, my weight dropped to 160, where it has stabilized.

ICU, just a few hours post-op (May 6, 2009)

Day 1 - I figured out how to apply ice and listen to music.

Day 2 - At Home

Day 3

Day 7 - May 13, 2009

The infamous "arch bars" and rubber bands.

And today, May 20, 2009 - Two Weeks Post Op

Due to the arch bars and wax (to protect my gums from the arch bars), my lips are still a bit "pushed" out. This seems more apparent on the "front" mug shots. It will be interesting to see how everything changes in two weeks when the bars get removed.

Managing Expectations

Taking the pain meds helped tremendously. I feel better this morning than I've felt since the surgery exactly two weeks ago today. That's not to say that I'm going to be getting on my bike and riding a century with 10,000 feet of climbing today, but at least I can now see that century in my future.

The emotional recovery is as significant as the physical recovery. There have been a number of different things that I have done to recover emotionally. The most significant was to set expectations.

Prior to the surgery, I wrote down my expectations for recovery:

1. Expect pain and embrace it as part of the recovery
2. Don't judge progress on a daily basis
3. Be thankful and appreciative to everyone, but focus all my energy on the recovery
4. Stay hydrated and nourished
5. Shower and get dressed first thing each day
6. Find a simple way to update family and friends (that's what this blog is about)

There have been a number of times where I have gone back and reviewed my list. It's helped me stay focused and look beyond the challenges of each particular day.