Sunday, July 12, 2009


Sunday, I got a bit more adventurous with my eating. I had my first PB&J sandwich . It was so good, that I had 3 PB&J sandwiches - each one carefully cut in quarters. The crusts were more than I could handle. PB&J was one of the food highlights at the rest stops for the bike ride. The other good options were energy gels and Gatorade.

It was amazing to see all the people who battled and are battling cancer as well as those honoring and remembering those afflicted. It was beyond words as we all clawed our way up the nasty climb 70 miles into the ride.

Here's a picture of me with my new toothy grin. I'm smiling because there were many kind people on the course motivating all of the riders as well as many riders who created a nice draft to fight the head winds.

Also, thanks for all the very positive comments and support on the blog- it's very much appreciated.