Sunday, May 24, 2009

Walk, Hike or Both

In order to increase my energy level, I've felt like I've needed to increase my activity level. For the past couple of days, I've taken a walk that's about 1.2 miles around the neighborhood. Yesterday was no exception. I woke up and went for a walk.

A few hours later, my friend called and asked if I was up for a walk. We took a 90 minute hike on the trails near my home. It was GREAT to be outdoors. After the walk, I felt fine, and was not too exhausted. It' still a real challenge in that I would like to be engaged in conversation, but since speaking causes more pain, I've been in listening mode.

Like many others at this point in the recovery, I'm still very uncomfortable, but feel like I need to be doing something. Something needs to be a mindless activity since concentrating for long periods of time is still a challenge (movies still require too long a period of concentration). Today's mindless activity was a trip Costco. We had to have a tire fixed and my son joined me for the adventure. Since I drove, I did not take the pain killers before leaving. Fortunately, the gods of the tire center were able to complete their work quicker than planned, and we returned home safely after three hours. Immediately on our return, I took the pain meds.

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